QuEST has welcomed our 2015-2016 cohort of Fellows. Their bios will be on the website soon, but they come from all over-Delaware, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Kansas, New York and one person (Lizzie) grew up right here in the Puget Sound area! Everyone had a good start to their work, and folks are working on figuring out the bus system and the bike paths. Lizzie, our local, went to school furthest away, at Warren Wilson in NC, and is working at Friends of the Children now. Karla (Villanova graduate) and Victor (St Olaf graduate) are at Northwest Immigrant Rights Project. Lauren (Swarthmore) is running groups for homeless folks at REACH (supervised by Sydney, who just finished being the QuEST Fellow there). Kristina, coming from U of Kansas will be advocating for low income housing options with the Housing Action Fund, and Sarah (Oberlin) is running the children’s program at Sacred Heart Shelter. I hope to have each person write a post on their work throughout the year, so keep an eye out for that!