
About Admin

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So far Admin has created 19 blog entries.

They’re Here!

QuEST has welcomed our 2015-2016 cohort of Fellows. Their bios will be on the website soon, but they come from all over-Delaware, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Kansas, New York and one person (Lizzie) grew up right here in the Puget Sound area! Everyone had a good start to their work, and folks are working on figuring out […]

By |September 9th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on They’re Here!

QuEST placement successfully reduces arrest rates

A huge success story from one of our placement sites made national news! REACH announced findings that their diversion program offering case management instead of arrest for low-level drug offenders reduces arrest rates by 60% compared to a control group. Our Fellow doesn’t do the case management, but does offer some of the other classes […]

By |April 24th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on QuEST placement successfully reduces arrest rates

Eneagram workshop

Elyse Nakajima, from led a QuEST time on the Eneagram, a method of understanding personality types. She explained each of the nine types, encouraging us to think about them as lenses we look through, and helping us explore what types we might be. We also learned about how the different types might approach […]

By |February 22nd, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Eneagram workshop

Take a Financial (and other crazy adult stuff) Literacy Quiz

At QuEST time yesterday, the Fellows took a financial literacy quiz, and then talked about the answers-ranging from insurance, how to invest money in a retirement account, what your credit score is, and financial pros and cons of marriage. We also discussed how many parts of the system are set up to favor wealthier people […]

By |January 22nd, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Take a Financial (and other crazy adult stuff) Literacy Quiz

QuEST is now accepting applications!

UPDATE 4/24/15 : QuEST has reopened admissions on a rolling basis. Download the application and apply today! QuEST is seeking young adults for our 2015-16 cohort-including for positions that we hope will be AmeriCorps-eligible through CVN’s new CompassionCorps program! If you are passionate about serving others and creating change, and want to explore living simply […]

By |January 12th, 2015|News|Comments Off on QuEST is now accepting applications!

QuEST Fellows Meet their Mentors

Lois Loontjens hosted a dinner for the QuEST Fellows and their mentors. Over chili and bread, we met one another and discussed what everyone hoped to get out of the mentoring relationship in the coming year: explore Seattle, discuss a common love of architecture, watch movies, learn about working in a non-profit world, and how […]

By |November 20th, 2014|News|Comments Off on QuEST Fellows Meet their Mentors

Fall Retreat for QuEST

The fall retreat is a time to build community, reflect on the start of the year, and just relax out of the city. John and Lee Neff again offered their lovely home in Kingston, and the QuEST Fellows, as well as Alisa, Polly and AJ (the program director and support committee members) drove on the […]

By |October 26th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Fall Retreat for QuEST

Update on 2013-2014 Cohort

It was hard to see the 2013-14 cohort go, although from the looks of this photo, I’m not sure I’d want to run into them and their bunnies in a dark alley anytime soon, either! Right now they are scattered around the world. Laurie and Helena are the two still in town. Laurie’s working for […]

By |September 30th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Laurie’s Story: $15/hour Success!

I’ve been working at Puget Sound Sage this year. We bring together labor, faith and community groups to work towards greater equality and livable communities in this region. I started in the middle of our $15/hour minimum wage campaign in SeaTac, helping with community outreach and get out the vote efforts. We were all thrilled […]

By |August 1st, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments